Monday, July 18, 2005

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Like any other Harry Potter fan, I was also in line to get my copy of the Book when released on 16th July. Although, not fanatic enough to stand in the line in the early morning and brave the early morning chill. I sensibly bought the book in the evening and contributed towards the 1 lakh copies which have been sold within 48 hours in India.
I took the book home and started reading the same. I have read till date upto chapter 7. The books opens little different with the Muggle Prime minister being appraised of the happenings in the Wizard world and how some of the happenings in the Muggle world were the handicap of the wizard rivalry. Then the scene moves to Harry leaving the Duddleys and moving with Weasley family, how they go about buying their books and robes for the 6th year. I liked the scene where in the train, Draco Malfoy gains an upper hand on Harry and petrifies him. Surprise awaits Harry when he reaches the school. Snape is the new teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts and Horace Slughorn is the new teacher for Potions. Harry has been made the captain of the Quidditch team.

I will keep you updated more when I read the next chapters. Till then Sionara.

1 comment:

  1. So, finally I have managed to read through the Half Blood Prince. The death of the head master definately felt bad, but I feel the story picked up pace in the end only. The build up to the death and escape of Prof Snape was too long and somehow I feel was done, keeping in mind the moolah the book is going to fetch if the number of pages increase.
    Overall, the story has moved forward and definately now looking forward to the last book of the series. Hopefully, that will be as good as the first couple of books.
